Micro-exchanges Paris—Karlsruhe + Workshop Weekend for Graphic design students of the HfG Karlsruhe and the Ensad Paris.

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Nina + Moritz + Eliot + Eugénie


Micro-exchanges Paris—Karlsruhe + Workshop Weekend for Graphic design students of the HfG Karlsruhe and the Ensad.

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Nina + Moritz + Eliot + Eugénie

yaw (,jɔː): a sudden impact that results in a change in direction. That's exactly what we want; being blown off course, setting forth into new experiences. Like diving into unknown water without dipping your big toe at first. We are curious how a different environment and new people can impact us and we want to get to know each other. Therefore we want to invite you to be part in our self-initiated exchange program between students of the EnsAD in Paris and the HfG in Karlsruhe. We have so many similarities but even more interesting differences in teaching, learning, location and mood. So lets explore that!


At the beginning of each week one student travels to the partner school and spends the week there. On the first week, an Ensad student will stay in Karlsruhe, the following week a HfG Student will stay in Paris, and so on.
This exchange week will be spent attending classes, participating in school life, and working on a common publication as a red thread to the exchange, passed on from one participant to the next.


When you're not attending one of the seminars, you'll be able work in our big studio, where HfG students are usually working on their projects between seminars. Having consultations and talks about your work(s) with our professors during single appointments is an essential part of studies at the HfG, and therefore we would like to arrange a slot with a professor during the week. There will be also a slot in our printing department for you to use and experiment.
Depending on the dates, there may also be workshops, conferences, talks and other events happening in the school, to which you'll have access if you wish to!


This goes hand in hand: You will granted accomodation by a student of the other school. In return, we ask you to host another student at your place during their stay. If it is really not possible for you to host another person, you'll be responsible for finding a comparable accomodation for your guest.


Participants book their own travel tickets, with help from us if required!
The quickest way to travel is by taking the TGV/ICE Train which only take about 2.5 hours from Paris Gare de l’Est to Karlsruhe Main Station and vice-versa. One-way tickets are about 50€ when booked in advance, but can be cheaper in certain times. We also recommend Flixbus, which takes 7 hours but only costs 25€. Blablacar can be in the same price range and will take about 5 hours.
We may be able to get subventions for the travel costs. We will let you know about that ASAP!


We ask you to make a binding commitment to the workshop weekend at the end of the exchange, to round up the project and spend some time all together. HfG students: Please note that participation in this exchange does not allow you to miss a course or seminar.


The program will take place over the course of 13 weeks, from Saturday to Saturday, with time on the Sunday to get settled, see the city and get to know your host.

The calendar is as follows:

21.10-27.10 HfG student at Ensad
04.11-10.11 Ensad student at HfG
11.11-17.11 HfG student at Ensad
18.11-24.11 Ensad student at HfG
25.11-01.12 HfG student at Ensad
02.12-08.12 Ensad student at HfG
09.12-15.12 HfG student at Ensad
16.12-22.12 Ensad student at HfG
06.01-12.01 Ensad student at HfG
13.01-19.01 HfG student at Ensad
20.01-26.01 Ensad student at HfG
03.02-09.02 HfG student at Ensad


At the end of the semester, we will all reunite in a separate place for a 2-day weekend of workshops and other fun stuff, to take time to finish and produce our publication, and to finally spend some time all together.


The weekend will take place in Saint-André-en-Barrois, near Verdun in France, in the middle between Paris and Karlsruhe. We will be staying in a large cottage in the village, with numerous bedrooms, a fully equiped kitchen and dining area, a polyvalent room for work and activities and a 1500m2 garden with a beginner climbing wall.


Funding for accomodation and food will be taken care of by the organisation team. We will obviously all take turns cooking, cleaning, setting up the tables, etc.
We may be able to get subventions for the travel costs as well. We will let you know about that ASAP!


Ensad students will travel with the bus on Friday afternoon. The trip takes 2 hours from Paris Bercy and leads to Verdun’s train station.
HfG student will travel in 2 rental cars on Friday afternoon, the trip takes around 3 hours. They will also pick up the Ensad students from the station (10min from the cottage) once they arrive.


HfG students : you have to be able to travel to France without a visa (or be able to get one in time)


During the week you spend abroad, you will be asked to produce 6 pages in a given format, using any techniques and theme you like, about your experience in your host school. You are encouraged to make use the ressources and materials from your host school. During the conclusion weekend, all the pages produced by participants of both schools will be condensed into a common publication. (There will be a theme, but it's a secret for now!)

Project initiated by students of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Paris.
Under the patronage of Laurent Ungerer & Rebecca Stephany.

Feel free to contact us at dear.yaw.team@gmail.com

Fonts used on this website are Syne by Lucas Descroix & Labmono Regular Web by Martin Wecke.

To sign up, just fill up this form and select the two weeks you would prefer for your week abroad (or send us an email at dear.yaw.team@gmail.com with the same info).
We will contact you asap!

All registrations open on Sept 24th.
First seven weeks (Oct. 21nd - Dec 8th): attributions start on Sept 30th
Last seven weeks (Dec 9th - Feb 9th): attributions start on Oct 18th

Your name:
Your email:
You study at the:

Your year (Ensad) or semester (HfG):
Please choose your two preferred slots:

Principle: spend one fun week abroad in another design school, get to know other students
Dates: somewhere between the 21.10 and the 09.02, negociable
Cost: transportation costs, that’s it (probably even less)
Required: host one student / create 6 pages for the publication / come to the weekend